It has been days since we have seen land. We left our An'Ashe of Ti' Adel behind, believing that Marduk would lead us to a better world.
The men grew restless - we have been at sea for days. One could grow tired of eating fish, under the rays of the sun beating our strength, while enduring the waves. If I became ill from our great escape, I could only imagine that the illness would take my men. They only want assurance that the land promised and hoped for, will appear. Mo'Sidei is suffering from the loss of his family and friends. I sympathize with him. When I was ill, it felt as though I was suffocating. I only wished to drown in it, or be free from it. Mo'Sidei succumbed to the grips of the illness and turned to madness. This was not the time to go mad.
It all began when the Trakrats, the Filorms, and the Est'oni, decided to meet on this ship to speak of organizing - they wanted to create a system of governance. While at sea, a ship carrying our Serr' Enil , fell to hostility. With great sadness, the Serr' Enil was murdered with his family, and Siduk; then cast into the sea. The ship was taken from the Serr' Enil, and its people became prisoners to the Trakrat named "Draq' Zin". He proclaimed himself the "New Iiadin". Draq' Zin mustard the Siduk's to help him take rule and to force every ship to honor him. He tried his best to board our ship. Poor Draq' Zin - I know him to be a vain man, but his actions made him food for the beasts of the sea. The Siduk's of our ship would not look to his leadership, so they forced themselves on his ship, saved the people and destroyed the usurper and followers. They gave this traitor, Draq' Zin, no mercy, and did away with him.
The attack on our ship brought fear to our people. The word spread to other ships of this attack, so I chose to invite the Lord's of the An'Ashe Ti'Adel, sending them a message by birds to the Trakrats and those who held a position in the Kalidun "to strive for peace, remain calm, pray, and continue to bring hope to one another." The message was received, but the Trakrats, the Florims, and the Est' oni demanded that Kalidun be summoned, at my ship.
Today was the day when the Kalidun would meet, but Mo' Sidei was possessed with fear, taking his Ra’Qurn and striking the Si'Jorin on the arm. In a fit of rage, Mo' Sidei yelled at Si’Jorin, "Turn this ship back to Ti'Adel, or I will take your life." No one came to the aid Si'Jorin, Siv' Benin, but me.
"Calm yourself, Mo' Sidei, we cannot act this way. Our people must survive... Hope is near." But Mo' Sidei would not listen. One of the Siduk walked quietly behind Mo' Sidei. Suddenly the wood floor creaked - Mo' Sidei turned quickly, to meet the Siduk, as he swung his Ra’Qurn towards face. I grabbed a piece of thick wood, sitting on a barrow, and struck Mo' Sidei on the back of the head.
Mo' Sidei fell to the ground, showing no sign of movement. Mo' Sidei’s blade came within reach of the Siduk's face, but he was able to shield off Mo’ Sidei’s strike. Some of the Siduks wrestled Mo' Sidei - they covered him, grabbed him, and lifted him up. Mo'Sidei mumbled, "Our doom is coming. There is no life on the sea, only our graves...”
"Take him to his quarters. See to his recovery." I said.
I turned to the people, and said, "Our illness at sea ends today. We must strive for hope. I know you have seen me ill, but I found strength in your love for me. I could never repay you in caring for me. You have seen the death of your family, friends, and our people. We must pull our strength together if we are to survive." The people looked to me - in silence, they waited for me to speak.
"I do not know what awaits us at sea, but we must have faith. Strive to bring hope as Marduk wills it! Our survival will be on the sea and our journey will lead us to rebuild our Kingdom." I said.
The people looked in amazement, but one questioned, "What should we do? We are scared, hungry, tired, and ill..." The crowd murmured.
Climbing down the wooden stairs, I looked at their eyes, and spoke to them from my heart, "Trust... Trust that we will find our new world! Hope in Marduk. Hope in one another!"
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and within 2 months, the people worked together to survive the sea. Mo' Sidei returned to us - his illness left him. To those he wounded, Mo' Sidei made a promise to aid them. Hope was restored.
The people whisper amongst themselves of a New Iiadin, who will rise from this voyage. They say, “Marduk wills it. Sa’Landdros the Wise is Iiadin. He carries us with Hope as his strength.” How can I be the “Iiadin”. I do not know how to rule…
To be continued - Part 5