Saturday, July 02, 2022

Episode 1: To The House of Notisi

You look to Atruii and say, "No, we have our lessons with our Hyet'zij, Ghaz' Nii." You rush to put your scrolls into your bag and begin to head for the door. Your friends follow along. Kia calls out to you, "Have a great day young ones. Iviaena, please tell your father I wish him well."

"Will do, Kia. See you tomorrow morning" 

You race to the House of Notisi. Upon reaching the gates, you can hear the students chanting their prayers. You are late for the beginning of Ojdimm, but Ghaz' Nii lets you in through the gates with a stern look. 

You begin your day with exercises, sparring with wooden swords and spears for self defense, writing lessons in Dymais, studying the history of your people and culture, measurements & counting, smith work with metals & wood, and agriculture. At lunch time, you sit with Ghaz' Nii to discuss the work you are doing with your father. Ghaz' Nii listens to you and you can see a bit of sadness on his face. Ghaz' Nii looks to you and tells you: "Iviaena, always cherish the times with your father. Never forget his accomplishments, his name, his love for you."

You put your hand on Ghaz' Nii's shoulder, "I know you miss your son."

"Not a day passes and I could still hear his voice. If only I knew what happened to him. Your father always apologizes for the scroll taken from his table. He did not think my son would use it. Was it for fun? An accident? None of us know... but it does not matter anymore. My son is in the hands of the Great Spirit. I must live on."

"I will surely pray for Nyss' Naeb. He will be remembered always in my prayers", you say. 

"Thank you, Iviaena. It is your faith and hope that brings joy to us all." 

After your long talk with Ghaz' Nii, you and your friends present your plans for the Water Irrigation. Ghaz' Nii was impressed by your notes and details that he could not help but bring it to the attention to Elders of the Bawaii Nuu. The Elders were proud of your plans. Your hopes would be that the Elders will approve of your request for materials and an area where you can examine your plans by creating a small design. 

At the end of the day, you leave for home. Your friends walk with you to the gates of the House. Ghaz' Nii waits at the gates to greet you and says: "Iviaena, your plan will make your father very proud of you. You have brought great honor to your family name. I am proud of you. I will see your father at the setting of Yal kuuv. Blessings."

You leave the House gates and walk with your friends.

Where do you go? 


Back to Kia's Careen to celebrate...

To my father's house...

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