Saturday, July 02, 2022

Episode 1: The Wait

You look at the stranger. You cannot sense any emotion since the black coverings shroud his face.

Suddenly, your belly aches for breakfast. The smell of food is tempting, but you want to wait for your friends to show them your studies - it means more to you than having Est' iit sausage... 

You climb up the steps, jump onto the wooden banister on the opposite side, to sit and wait for your friends. You look towards the stranger, but his eyes are fixed on the folks moving about their day. 

You look down Yakem straight, then turn to look up the Road of Vros, which climbs up to meet the Circle.

You say to yourself, "No sign of Atruii and the others."

As time goes on, more folks enter the Careen. You decide to jump off the wooden banister. With your back turned, the stranger calls out to you, saying "Young student, may the favor of the light guide your path and wisdom." 

You turn to see three Bawaii Nuu standing in front of you. "We mean not to startle you, young student. We see you are in training, as an apprentice." 

Looking at them, you feel unpleasant about these strangers. You try to move very slowly towards the door to the Careen, but the stranger who was sitting on the barrel calms you, saying, "We are travelers, in search of the House of Notisi. We come to meet our Hyet'zij. We are in need of his wisdom." 

The House of Notisi is where you and your friends learn the teachings and history of the Dymais People - The People of the Sand. 

The stranger steps forward, offering his hand as a sign of peace, saying "Will you help us find our way to the House of Notisi?'


Yes I will help the Strangers...

I enter the Careen...