Enop takes you to the living room. He grabs a rolled up parchment and puts it under his arm, then motions for a drawer pulling out a small wooden box. He opens it and takes an object. Turning to you and your friends, "Follow me to the garden, NOW!"
As Enop stops at the door way, he motions you all to stand outside as he takes the parchment and reads a strange language. You are confused and do not understand what he is doing, but your friends begin to cry out to you as they slowly disappear.
"Father, what is happening to me and my friends?" You feel that your body is tingling almost shrinking. You hold on to his arms, crying with great fear. Enop hands you the Stone, saying"Protect the stone, my daughter."
Enop puts his hands on your face, and looks into your eyes, "I may never se your warm eyes my child - know that I did my best to love you, and promised your mother I will keep you safe. Now all you will have is my face in your memory, and my words in your heart. I love you..."
You feel yourself slipping away, while your eyes are on him. You can see a trickle of blood come forth from his nose and mouth. You try to grab him, but it is too late. A shadowy figure stands behind him.
You cry out, "NO!"
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